Pensioners' Welfare Fund
The Pensions Section manages a Pensioners' Welfare Fund to provide financial assistance to pensioners and families of deceased pensioners in cases of genuine hardship. Pensioners (retired civil servants in receipt of a pension or an annual allowance other than an additional pension) or in the case of deceased pensioners, their surviving spouse or dependant children are eligible to apply for the fund irrespective of their place of residence. Assistance from the Fund is in the form of a one-off grant and the normal maximum disbursement for each application, if approved, is $6,000. Applications are examined in accordance with factors such as income and expenditure of applicants and their family members, whether applicants had received similar grants from other funds, etc. The two main areas eligible for consideration of assistance from the Fund are:
- medical expenses including expenses for acquiring special medical equipment; and
- funeral expenses.
All applications must be substantiated by receipts of expenses. Copies of Application form for the Fund (DOC Format) with Notes (DOC Format) are available from the Pensions Section at 8th Floor, West Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Central, Hong Kong (Telephone: 2810 3850; Fax: 2523 6416; E-mail: