Medical and Dental Benefits
Who are eligible
The following persons are eligible for medical and dental benefits on the same basis as serving government officers:
- retired Government officers living in Hong Kong and in receipt of a pension or an annual allowance and their families living in Hong Kong;
- families of officers killed on duty and living in Hong Kong; and
- families living in Hong Kong and in receipt of a pension under the Widows' and Orphans Pension Scheme or the Surviving Spouses' and Children's Pensions Scheme following the death of officers while in service or after retirement (except widows/widowers on remarriage).
"Family" means the retired civil servant's spouse and children who are unmarried and under the age of 21. In the case of children aged 19 or 20, they must also be in full-time education or in full-time vocational training, or dependent on the retired civil servant as a result of physical or mental infirmity.
Retired officers with the pension or annual allowance suspended either under the Pensions Ordinance or Pension Benefits Ordinance are not in receipt of a pension or an annual allowance. They and their families are therefore not eligible for medical and dental benefits during the period of suspension of pension or annual allowance.
How to obtain treatment
Retired civil servants and/or their eligible dependants can seek treatment at Department of Health and Hospital Authority medical and dental facilities (designated facilities) throughout the territory. The Medical and Dental Benefits Eligibility Checking System (ECS) has been fully rolled out since 30 June 2008. Retired civil servants and their eligible dependants only need to advise counter staff of the designated facilities that they are eligible for civil service medical and dental benefits and produce valid proof of identity (e.g. Hong Kong Identity Card, Hong Kong Birth Certificate) for their inspection when they seek treatment at the designated facilities. The counter staff will verify their eligibility through the ECS.
Retired civil servants without Hong Kong Identity (HKID) cards and their eligible dependants without HKID cards or Hong Kong Birth Certificate (for dependent children under the age of 11) are not covered by the ECS. The retired civil servants concerned should obtain Try. 447 for themselves and their eligible dependants for presentation to the counter staff of the designated facilities when seeking medical or dental treatment. Try. 447 may be obtained from the Treasury Pensions Enquiry Office of the Treasury, either in person or by post (2/F, Treasury Building, 3 Tonkin Street West, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong), by phone (3847 8300, 2845 8866), by fax (2519 3222) or by e-mail (
The form can also be obtained in person at the Pensions Section of the Civil Service Bureau (8/F, West Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong).
Families Clinics Online Booking System
The online booking service of families clinics has been launched. CSEPs would need to apply in advance for the Families Clinics Online Booking System (Online Booking System) Account if they wish to make appointment in families clinics online. Families clinic will allocate same-day appointment, appointment for the next calendar day (except Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) and re-appointment to CSEPs as appropriate.
CSEPs can submit completed electronic forms (e‑Forms) of “Application for Families Clinics Online Booking System Account” via this weblink, the weblink on the websites of DH or @DH Mobile App. CSEPs can apply for accounts for themselves and/or for other CSEP(s) in the same family. Each e‑Form can accommodate the account application(s) from a maximum of six CSEPs in the same family. Please note that an applicant has to use “iAM Smart+” to electronically fill in and digitally sign the e‑Form. Other than electronic submission through “iAM Smart+”, CSEPs may apply for an Online Booking System account in person at any of the families clinics. CSEPs successfully passing the eligibility checking will receive information on account activation by email within 14 working days and they have to activate their accounts in the Online Booking System within eight months after receiving it.
All CSEPs who have successfully applied for and activated their accounts (regardless whether they have received families clinic services before) can use the Online Booking System. They can log in the Online Booking System at any time via mobile devices or computers to make, check, change and cancel an appointment. Changing and cancelling appointments are only applicable to the appointments made through the Online Booking System. Please refer to Annex and the demonstration in DH’s website for the application and activation procedures for Online Booking System accounts.
CSEPs who have successfully applied for and activated their accounts can log in the Online Booking System via this weblink.
Civil Service Eligible Persons Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Pilot Scheme
The Government launches the Civil Service Eligible Persons Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Pilot Scheme, which offers free Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Services for Civil Service Eligible Persons at all six families clinics. Civil Service Eligible Persons can make appointments through the Automated Telephone Booking System (Tel. No.: 3950 9800). For details, please refer to the flow chart.
New Registration Arrangements for New Dental Cases
With the implementation of new registration arrangements for new dental cases from 5 January 2024, CSEPs can submit the completed e-Registration Form for New Dental Consultation Waiting List for CSEPs (e-Form) via this weblink or the weblink on the website of DH to complete a one-time registration for joining the waiting list for new dental appointment. The registration platform has no quota restriction. All applicants have to use the “iAM Smart+” account to electronically fill in and submit the e-Form. In this regard, those who wish to register to join the waiting list for new dental cases should apply for/upgrade their “iAM Smart+” account in advance. For information on how to apply for/upgrade their “iAM Smart+” account, please visit “iAM Smart” website. The waiting order will be determined based on the time when the e-Form is submitted. After the launch of the e-Form, DH will still accept telephone registration for new dental cases. Under the new arrangements, upon receiving calls from CSEPs in need, DH will assist them in filling the required information in the e-Form. CSEPs in need can register for new dental cases, enquire about the new registration arrangements and seek necessary assistance from DH via its registration/enquiry/support hotline (Tel. No.: 2892 1099). Please click here for the introductory video (in Chinese only) about the new registration arrangements for new dental cases. More details of the new registration arrangements can be found in DH’s website.
Pilot Scheme on Dental Services (Dental Scaling) for Civil Service Eligible Persons Phase 2
The Government launched the 18-month Pilot Scheme on Dental Services (Dental Scaling) for Civil Service Eligible Persons in July 2023, under which some CSEPs have been arranged to receive dental scaling services from private dental clinics. After reviewing the effectiveness of the scheme, its service period will be extended for 18 months from 1 February 2025 to 31 July 2026 (hereafter “PDS Phase 2”).
DH will invite suitable CSEPs (invited persons) to participate in the PDS Phase 2 by batches through SMS under the name of “#DH-CLINICS”. If the invited persons agree to participate, they should, within one month upon receipt of the invitation SMS, contact and make an appointment for dental scaling services with one of the designated private dental clinics under the PDS Phase 2 on their own. To ensure proper utilisation of the dental scaling service quotas, they are required to complete the dental scaling within three months from the date of receiving the invitation SMS. For details about the PDS Phase 2, please visit the website of DH at or call 8228 1000 to listen to the pre-recorded introduction.
Pilot Scheme on Dental Services for Civil Service Eligible Persons in Shenzhen
The Government launches the Pilot Scheme on Dental Services for Civil Service Eligible Persons in Shenzhen (the PDSSZ) in the first quarter of 2025 to arrange about 2 000 CSEPs, who are waiting for dental services of DH, to receive designated dental services, including oral imaging (X-ray) check and dental scaling services at the Shenzhen New Frontier United Family Hospital (NFUFH). The PDSSZ will last for one year from 17 February 2025 to 16 February 2026. For details about the PDSSZ, please visit the website of DH at Please also click here for the introductory video (in Chinese only).
DH will invite CSEPs in batches to complete the Expression of Interest (EOI) Form for the PDSSZ. The invitation message will be sent through SMS “#DH-CLINICS” and email “”. The invited persons have to complete and return the EOI Form to express their interest in participation within two weeks.
DH will issue formal invitations for participation in batches through SMS and email to CSEPs who have indicated their willingness to participate in the PDSSZ. The invited persons have to make an appointment via the service hotline (5801 1515 / +86 4008 919191) of the NFUFH within one month upon receipt of the invitation, and receive dental services within two months from the date of receiving the invitation.
After completing dental services under the PDSSZ, participants can upload and deposit the relevant medical report into their eHealth personal accounts through the “Personal Folder” function of the “eHealth” mobile application, so that DH can access and for cases in need, schedule follow-up appointments at Government dental clinics. For details regarding registration for “eHealth”, please refer to “eHealth” website.
Enhanced Diagnostic Services
The Block G Imaging Centre for civil service eligible persons (CSEPs) at Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) commenced services on 3 January 2011. The Centre provides Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and ultrasound scanning services for CSEPs in addition to the existing imaging services provided at Hospital Authority hospitals. The centre has also provided general mammographic service for the exclusive use of CSEPs with effect from 4 March 2019. CSEPs may refer to the note (1) setting out the detailed arrangement regarding general CT, MRI and ultrasound scanning services and note (2) for the detailed arrangement on general mammographic service. The waiting time of the respective diagnostic services provided in the Centre will also be updated regularly for CSEPs' information, and a gist is available in the leaflet.
Enhanced Specialist Out-patient Services
The following specialty services are available for the exclusive use of CSEPs. A gist is available in the leaflet.
L Block of Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH)
L Block provides eight general specialty services including family medicine, gynaecology, medicine, neurosurgery, obstetrics, orthopaedics & traumatology, paediatrics, and surgery. CSEPs who have made an appointment for first consultation at an HA specialist out-patient (SOP) clinic (other than obstetrics, 9H Specialist Clinic (9HSC) of Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH) and Saturday Specialist Out-patient (SSOP) Clinic of Queen Mary Hospital (QMH)) may opt to utilise L Block services, while those who have obtained a doctor's referral to obstetrics from a public or private clinic may directly approach L Block (Tel. No.: 3506 6123). Related administrative details are set out in the detailed note.
9H Specialist Clinic of Prince of Wales Hospital
9HSC provides seven general specialty services including ear nose & throat, family medicine, gynaecology, medicine, orthopaedics & traumatology, paediatrics & adolescent medicine, and surgery. CSEPs who have made an appointment for first consultation at an HA SOP clinic (other than L Block of QEH and SSOP Clinic of QMH) may opt to utilise 9HSC services. Related administrative details are set out in the detailed note.
Saturday Specialist Out-patient Clinic of Queen Mary Hospital
SSOP Clinic provides two general specialty services (i.e. medicine and surgery). CSEPs who have made an appointment for first consultation at an HA SOP clinic (other than L Block of QEH and 9HSC of PWH) may opt to utilise the SSOP services. Related administrative details are set out in the detailed note.
Civil Service Chinese Medicine Clinics (CSCMCs)
The Government has set up three CSCMCs to provide free general consultation and acupuncture services for treatment purpose to CSEPs. For details, please click here to visit the thematic webpages of the CSCMCs.
Please also see the Medical and Dental Benefits section of the Administration of the Civil Service.
Reimbursement / direct payment of medical expenses
Commonly asked questions and answers
Useful Reference
- Pension Benefits Ordinance (Chapter 99, Laws of Hong Kong)
- Pensions Ordinance (Chapter 89, Laws of Hong Kong)