Civil Service Newsletter June 2023 Issue No.114
HKFSD Volunteer Team goes the extra mile to help those in need

Hong Kong Fire Services Department

Hong Kong Fire Services Department Volunteer Team.
Hong Kong Fire Services Department Volunteer Team.
THE Hong Kong Fire Services Department (HKFSD) delivers its mission of “saving those in distress and protecting the community”. FSD strives for improvements to perfect their work in fire suppression and rescue services, fire protection and prevention, as well as emergency ambulance services. Apart from daily duties serving the public, the Hong Kong Fire Services Department Volunteer Team (HKFSDVT) provides another platform for their members to help and assist those in need in our society.

HKFSDVT was established in 2002. At present, it has over 1,800 registered members comprising serving/retired uniformed staff as well as civilian staff from the HKFSD. Throughout these years, HKFSDVT has actively participated in different events organised by the community and voluntary bodies.

HKFSDVT contributes to the community via multiple services including:
  • Providing household and miscellaneous article removal services for those in need;
  • Participating in community charitable activities — providing assistance in site decoration, crowd control and material delivery;
  • Assisting professional social workers in providing outreach services;
  • Showing care to the disadvantaged and attending to their needs, e.g. installing stand-alone fire detectors for residents in need;
  • Participating in anti-epidemic efforts, e.g. packing / delivering of anti-epidemic kits and supplies for the public and HKFSD members who had been diagnosed with COVID-19 and required to be home quarantined; and
  • Providing “Post-fire Service”.
Household removal services.
Household removal services.
Miscellaneous article removal service.
Miscellaneous article removal service.
Miscellaneous article removal service.
Installing stand-alone fire detectors.
Experience Sharing
Post-fire Service

“The ‘Post-fire Service’ aims to assist people with financial difficulties by expressing our love and care in restoring their damaged residential units in the aftermath of fires or accidents. HKFSDVT provides basic household repairing services, including cleaning up the post-fire scene; refurbishing the walls, ceiling and floor tiles; and re-provisioning basic furniture for the victims when necessary.”

Mr CHOW Chin-choi, Vice-Captain, HKFSDVT

Team after provision of “Post-fire Service”.
Team after provision of “Post-fire Service”.
“Post-fire Service”given to those with financial difficulties.
“Post-fire Service”given to those with financial difficulties.

“HKFSDVT provides me with the opportunity to get in touch with families suffering in the aftermath of fire and facing financial difficulties—by offering a helping hand through face-to-face actions. During the cleaning process, the damage caused by the fire was far worse than I expected. At the end of the day, I sent my heartfelt sympathy and best wishes to the flat owners, and encouraged them to stay strong in the future. In return, they expressed to us their deep gratitude for our contribution to their ‘new-home’.”

Mr AU Chun-kit, HKFSDVT Member

Accreditation of Hong Kong Volunteer Award (Outstanding Group)

“In 2022, HKFSDVT was nominated by the Family Links Social Services of Abandon Life Christian Church and was honoured to receive the ‘Hong Kong Volunteer Award (Outstanding Group)’ (the Award) at the Hong Kong Volunteer Award 2022, jointly organised by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau and the Agency for Volunteer Service. HKFSDVT will remain dedicated to participating in various volunteering works and showing love and care to the community in the future.”

Mr Terry WU Sit-hung, Captain, HKFSDVT

Mr Terry Wu Sit-hung, Captain (second left) and Mr Chow Chin-choi, Vice-captain (centre) of HKFSDVT received the Award at Hong Kong Volunteer Award Presentation Ceremony 2022.
Mr Terry Wu Sit-hung, Captain (second left) and Mr Chow Chin-choi, Vice-captain (centre) of HKFSDVT received the Award at Hong Kong Volunteer Award Presentation Ceremony 2022.
HKFSDVT future development

“In 2023, HKFSDVT cooperated with the ‘Build & Wish Voluntary Team’ to provide ‘Staircase Machine Service in Tenement House’. The vision of this service is to enable those with physical impairment to enjoy a barrier-free life and integrate into the community again, by helping them to move up and down stairs more safely within tenement buildings—allowing them to attend medical appointments, go shopping as well as meeting friends and relatives. Currently, 10 members of HKFSDVT have already obtained the qualification required to operate staircase machine, and in future we will continue to provide such services for those in need.”

Mr CHAN Wai-leung, HKFSDVT Member

Mr CHAN Wai-leung, qualified operator, provided staircase machine service for residents in tenement buildings.
Mr CHAN Wai-leung, qualified operator, provided staircase machine service for residents in tenement buildings.
HKFSDVT members became qualified operators of staircase machine.
HKFSDVT members became qualified operators of staircase machine.