Civil Service Newsletter June 2023 Issue No.114
The Basic Law Bulletin

Civil Service College
Civil Service Bureau

The Bulletin has been published for 22 years since its first publication in 2001.
The Bulletin has been published for 22 years since its first publication in 2001.
THE Basic Law Bulletin (the Bulletin) is compiled jointly by the Department of Justice, the Civil Service Bureau and the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, aiming to promote greater awareness and knowledge of the Basic Law within the civil service and support the work of the Constitution and Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee.

The Bulletin is published annually, with sections including “The Focus”, “Judgment Update”, “LegCo President’s Decisions on Members’ Bills”, and sections covering key provisions and concepts of the Basic Law, with a view to enhancing colleagues’ understanding on the implementation of the Basic Law.

“The Focus” contains an important article on the theme of that year.
“The Focus” contains an important article on the theme of that year.

“The Focus” of the latest issue of the Bulletin (Issue No. 24) covers the features and significance of the nine arrangements on mutual legal assistance between the Mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in civil and commercial matters as well as the reciprocal assistance in taking of evidence in criminal matters. In addition, there are also summaries of judgments on four cases concerning the Co-location Arrangement, “Ding rights” of indigenous inhabitants of the New Territories, announcements in the public interest by the government, and Buyer’s Stamp Duty of residential properties.

Interested colleagues may visit this webpage ( for the past issues of the Bulletin.

Webpage of the Basic Law Bulletin

Webpage of the
Basic Law Bulletin