Civil Service Newsletter March 2024 Issue No.117

Civil Service College
Civil Service Bureau

The Civil Service College (CSC) is committed to strengthening national security training for civil servants so as to nurture their holistic perspectives and enhance their understanding of the latest development of the holistic approach to national security.

On the 10th anniversary of the promulgation of the holistic approach to national security and following the recent implementation of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance (the Ordinance), CSC has launched a theme-based portal on “Holistic Approach to National Security - the 10th Anniversary Special” through the Cyber Learning Centre Plus. Contents include the essence of the holistic approach to national security, information updates on the Ordinance, pre-recorded lectures and experts’ sharing, etc. The portal enables civil servants to continuously learn about the national security topics and reinforces their awareness of safeguarding national security.

The Head of the CSC, Mr Oscar Kwok Yam-shu (right), thanked the speaker for coming to Hong Kong to deliver the talk which deepened civil servants' understanding of national security concepts.

In addition, CSC organise the “Holistic Approach to National Security” seminar series delivered by experts from authoritative institutions, i.e. China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations and the Center for a Holistic Approach to National Security, to explore the developments and challenges in various areas under the holistic approach to national security. The seminar in April, namely “Global Economic Change and National Security”, highlighted China’s achievements in safeguarding and strengthening national security over the past decade. It also discussed the current global situation of economic and financial security, enlightening colleagues on how Hong Kong could play a more active role in coordinating development and security. The next seminar will be launched in the third quarter of 2024. Stay tuned for updates.

Director for the Institute of World Economic Studies at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, Mr Zhang Yuncheng, exchanged idea with participants at the discussion session.