New Fringe Benefits Package
The basic principle governing the provision of fringe benefits to civil servants is that the benefits should be sufficient to attract, retain and motivate staff of suitable calibre to provide quality service to the public. It should be provided with broad reference to practices and arrangements in the private sector. In line with the above, the Government has reviewed the existing provision of fringe benefits and put in place a revised package of fringe benefits for recruits, which continues to move towards the direction of a "total remuneration" approach, and which continues to be provided on a sliding scale proportionate to the rank of an officer.
The revised fringe benefits package applies to civil service recruits offered appointments on and after 1 June 2000.
The new fringe benefits package includes revised leave and leave passage and housing benefits. Medical and dental benefits are also provided and recruits will continue to use the present system provided for serving civil servants and their families.
New recruits serving on probationary or agreement terms will be provided with the mandatory provident fund benefits under the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Details) . Upon progress onto new permanent terms, they would be eligible for benefits under the Civil Service Provident Fund Scheme (Details).