Quarterly-updated Civil Service Personnel Statistics
Statistics as at 31 December 2024:
- Establishment and Strength
- Strength of the Civil Service
- By sex and terms of appointment
- By salary groups and terms of appointment
Statistics up to 31 December 2024 in 2024-2025 Financial Year:
- Appointments to the Civil Service
- By salary groups and terms of appointment
- Staff Wastage
- Officers leaving the service - By wastage types and terms of appointment
- The statistics are based on figures reported by government departments.
- All statistics include civil servants working in government departments and those who have been seconded / posted to subvented / public-funded bodies, e.g. Hong Kong Monetary Authority and Hospital Authority.
- These sets of statistics are updated on a quarterly basis. Please refer to "Annually-updated Civil Service Personnel Statistics" for the personnel statistics of 2023-2024.