Civil Service Newsletter June 2020 Issue No.107
  Mental Health Workplace Charter
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Mental Health Workplace Charter
Department of Health
THE Department of Health and the Advisory Committee on Mental Health jointly introduced the Mental Health Workplace Charter (the Charter) in November 2019 to encourage local organisations to cultivate a mental health-friendly working environment.

The signatories of the Charter are required to complete a designated number of action items under the two objectives below to attain either of the two titles, namely, Mental Health Friendly Organisation or Mental Health Friendly Supreme Organisation. The names of the organisations and their title recognition attained will be listed on the Charter’s website for two years.

Objective Action Items
Objective I
Promote mental well-being at workplace including a respectful and positive environment, active listening and communication, encourage help-seeking, and facilitate early identification of mental distress and timely treatment
  • Organise family and staff gatherings to promote sharing and activities for fun and enjoyment
  • Organise talks/workshops/activities to strengthen positive minds and respect in workplace
  • Promote information flow on mental health
  • Encourage help-seeking behaviour by providing information on mental health support services
  • Organise talks on mental health
  • Offer training to staff to equip them with basic skills to resolve conflict, provide peer support and handle mental health emergency
  • Encourage colleagues to listen to each other and share mental health-related experience
  • Introduce mentorship scheme to facilitate sharing on mentalhealth-related concerns
Objective Action Items
Objective II
Create an inclusive and friendly workplace environment for colleagues with mental distress
  • Assign a team/coordinator to implement committed measures
  • Introduce human resources policies to care for employees with mental health needs and offer supportive environment to facilitate recovery
  • Introduce measures to promote work-life balance
  • Offer job opportunities to persons recovered or recovering from mental health issues
Title Requirement
Mental Health Friendly Organisation Complete at least 3 actions under Objective I
Mental Health Friendly Supreme Organisation Complete at least 3 actions each under Objectives I and II

To find out more details about the Charter and enrol, please visit

Mental Health Workplace Charter
Mental Health Workplace Charter