Civil Service Newsletter June 2023 Issue No.114
Humour—The stimulant for happiness

Civil Service Bureau and
Christian Family Service Centre

HUMOUR helps us attain happiness and relief from strenuous work. It also brings amusement and adds spice to our daily lives. Humorous people are popular among friends and colleagues; they are also more capable of assuaging negative emotions or alleviating sorrow. Do you want to be a happy person? Here are some tips to enhance your sense of humour:
1. Think out of the box

Test yourself. How many words can you identify from the character “田”, 10, 20 or 50? In fact, “田” features more than 100 words, including Chinese, English and numbers. Our thoughts are often confined by figurative constraints, making us agree to certain facts subjectively. Why not let our creativities flow, and learn to think from new perspectives?

2. Observe what’s intriguing

Life is a process of learning. We can sharpen our sense of humour by paying more attention to things around us, such as hilarious TV shows or comical stories from newspapers and magazines.

3. Communicate with humour

We all have humorous friends, learn by chatting with them. Light jokes can be made naturally while dining; so, if possible, grasp every chance to lunch out with fellow colleagues, leave the office for a moment, and chat to your heart’s content.

4. The art of speech

We tend to speak our minds directly while responding. For instance, we say, “You look beautiful today” when we see a fellow worker dressing up nicely. Instead of giving a forthright response, we can go for an indirect one, “Hey! Did you seek advice from a personal stylist today? You have such a good taste in fashion.”

5. Regain childlike innocence

Life is tough and we become dull when stressed out. Playing is an innate behavior, so let’s pick up our childlike innocence and have fun! Go out to the countryside to play hide and seek with friends or take some hilarious selfies while making funny faces!

Using our sense of humour wisely not only increases intimacy, it also makes interaction with colleagues smoother. However, in order not to cause embarrassment, always pay attention to the others’ reactions and pick the right time to crack your jokes.