Civil Service Newsletter March 2024 Issue No.117
Hong Kong Post values occupational safety and health of staff in Linking people, Delivering business

Hongkong Post

Once the staff place a packet on the conveyor belt, the system scans its address barcode, measures its weight and size, and then records the information in the computer system automatically.
Once the staff place a packet on the conveyor belt, the system scans its address barcode, measures its weight and size, and then records the information in the computer system automatically.

Hongkong Post (HKP) has been fulfilling its purpose of “Linking People, Delivering Business” by providing members of the public with efficient and reliable postal services. The Department attaches great importance to the occupational safety and health (OSH) of its staff and is committed to ensuring their safety in the workplace through an effective safety management system. Also, it strives to enhance mail processing and fully implement the OSH policy with a view to minimising the risks of work injuries.
Introduction of “Robotic Packet Sorting System”

HKP handles a huge volume of over two million mail items per day on average. To enhance the efficiency and accuracy of sorting and to minimise the risks of manual lifting when handling packets, the “Robotic Packet Sorting System” has been introduced since 2022 to improve the efficiency of handling small packets and to meet the increasing service demand arising from the rapid development of e-commerce.

The “Robotic Packet Sorting System” is a modern centralised Material Handling System with the use of artificial intelligence technologies, automation and digitalisation to facilitate efficient processing of mail items. Staff only have to place a packet on the conveyor belt, and the system can then scan its address barcode, measure its weight and size, and record the information in the computer system automatically. Sorting robots then transport the packets to their respective unloading fittings. When the fittings are full, picking robots will sort the mail bags into workstations according to the mail collection points recorded in the system. Finally, the mail bags are sealed by staff and dispatched to various delivery points.

The “Robotic Packet Sorting System” is designed ergonomically, with the conveyor belt close to the elbow to reduce the stretching distance and the frequency of stooping so as to lower the chance of injury when handling the packets repetitively. In addition, the robots can load more mail items when moving back and forth, which helps prevent upper limb musculoskeletal disorders among staff.

Sorting robots transport the packets to their respective unloading fittings according to the information recorded in the system.
Sorting robots transport the packets to their respective unloading fittings according to the information recorded in the system.
When the fittings are full, picking robots will sort the mail bags into corresponding workstations.
When the fittings are full, picking robots will sort the mail bags into corresponding workstations.
Full implementation of Guidance Notes on Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work

The Labour Department (LD) launched the new Guidance Notes on Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work (the Guidance) and Heat Stress at Work Warning on 15 May 2023. According to the Guidance, the physical workload of postal staff is categorised as “moderate”. HKP is therefore required to conduct risk assessment of heat stress in the workplace and, based on the assessment results, provide the staff concerned with additional rest time corresponding to different warning levels.

At present, there are about 2,000 postmen performing outdoor delivery duties. Prior to the introduction of the Guidance, HKP organised a number of briefing sessions to elaborate on the Guidance and enable exchange of views among its staff. HKP has also conducted risk assessments of heat stress. In the light of the assessment results and the views of staff, HKP has formulated risk control measures and rest arrangements under different warning levels. To enable field staff to receive information immediately, HKP has in particular conducted a system enhancement so that when the LD issues the Heat Stress at Work Warning, staff will receive the related push notifications on their Personal Digital Assistants reminding them to stay hydrated and pay attention to the details of the warning. In addition to regular rest breaks, staff performing duties outdoors will be given an additional rest time when the Very Hot Weather Warning is in force so that they can take a break at a suitable place before resuming work. With the cooperation of all staff, the Guidance has been implemented promptly and smoothly.

Push notification regarding Heat Stress at Work Warning on a Personal Digital Assistant.
Push notification regarding Heat Stress at Work Warning on a Personal Digital Assistant.

Based on last year’s experience, HKP has reviewed the heat stress risk assessments as well as risk prevention and control arrangements for this year in accordance with the revised Guidance issued by LD on 2 May 2024. HKP has also arranged briefing sessions to elaborate on the notification mechanism and the arrangement for additional rest breaks when the Heat Stress at Work Warning is in force, with a view to protecting field staff from being affected by hot weather and reducing the risks of heat stroke.

HKP has always been very concerned about the OSH of its staff. Apart from rest breaks, postmen working outdoors are provided with water bottles for timely replenishment of water. Other personal sun protection equipment (such as ice cooling towels, sun protection sleeves, hats, etc.), as well as ancillary tools such as hand trucks and temporary mail storage boxes will also be provided to them to safeguard their occupational safety.

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Last Review Date: 31 July 2024