Civil Service Newsletter Septmember 2022 Issue No.112
Uniting expertise: civil servants fight epidemic together

Civil Service Newsletter Editorial Board

EARLY this year, the fifth wave of the epidemic took a turn for the worse and brought unprecedented challenges to Hong Kong. The Government assumed the primary responsibility for the anti-epidemic work and utilised all available manpower and resources to fight against and control the epidemic situation as quickly as possible.

The civil service, as the backbone of the Government, is obligated and assumes an important role in the fight against the virus. As the fifth wave is more severe than previous ones, the anti-epidemic measures involve a wide range of sectors and require enormous human resources. Regardless of their departments and grades, civil servants, whether civilian or disciplined services staff, are all mobilised to take up various roles in the anti-epidemic work.

Since the outbreak of the fifth wave, over 140,000 government employees have participated in the anti-epidemic work at different times and in different roles, accounting for 70% of the total number of government employees.

Despite facing unprecedented pressure, various Bureaux and Departments displayed solidarity, responsiveness and flexibility, which coupled with the proactive participation of civil servants at all ranks, are indispensable to the quick and smooth implementation of the anti-epidemic measures. Nevertheless, various departments also strive to maintain public services and provide frontline and backend support in the fight against the virus.

In face of the ever-evolving situation, the civil service will continue to uphold the spirit of serving the public, stay committed to their duties and firmly stand by the public in the fight against the epidemic. 

Please click  below for more details.

Other Anti-epidemic Support

Back to the outbreak in February 2020, DoJ pioneered a fund-raising and volunteer campaign to purchase badly needed anti-epidemic items to support vulnerable groups in society. Over 70 staff members of DoJ participated either by donating money (of some $120,000) or taking part in the packaging of the anti-epidemic items. The anti-epidemic items were donated to four non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in March and May 2020 respectively.  DoJ sustained its effort and initiated another fund-raising campaign for an NGO in March and April 2022. Again, over $100,000 was raised through donation within DoJ to support the under-priviledged groups hard hit by the fifth wave through provision of food packs and lunch boxes.
Back to the outbreak in February 2020, DoJ pioneered a fund-raising and volunteer campaign to purchase badly needed anti-epidemic items to support vulnerable groups in society. Over 70 staff members of DoJ participated either by donating money (of some $120,000) or taking part in the packaging of the anti-epidemic items. The anti-epidemic items were donated to four non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in March and May 2020 respectively.

DoJ sustained its effort and initiated another fund-raising campaign for an NGO in March and April 2022. Again, over $100,000 was raised through donation within DoJ to support the under-priviledged groups hard hit by the fifth wave through provision of food packs and lunch boxes.
EDB Pulse is a quarterly staff newsletter circulated to the schools sector as well. The cover article “同心合力 抗擊疫情”for the April’s edition indicates EDB’s determination to work in concerted efforts to fight against the epidemic. The gratitude expressed by the students from 65 government schools to all healthcare workers and frontline anti-epidemic workers demonstrates that the community stands in solidarity with them in fighting the epidemic.
EDB Pulse is a quarterly staff newsletter circulated to the schools sector as well. The cover article “同心合力 抗擊疫情”for the April’s edition indicates EDB’s determination to work in concerted efforts to fight against the epidemic. The gratitude expressed by the students from 65 government schools to all healthcare workers and frontline anti-epidemic workers demonstrates that the community stands in solidarity with them in fighting the epidemic.
On 14 and 16 March 2022, AMS was invited by the Anti-epidemic Task Force of SB to conduct an "Infection Control Course" for frontline officers of the Task Force, including officers of the disciplinary force and non-civil service contract staff from the tourism and sports sectors.
On 14 and 16 March 2022, AMS was invited by the Anti-epidemic Task Force of SB to conduct an "Infection Control Course" for frontline officers of the Task Force, including officers of the disciplinary force and non-civil service contract staff from the tourism and sports sectors.
AMS deployed members to Fu Shan Public Mortuary and Kwai Chung Public Mortuary to assist with various duties such as handling a large number of deceased bodies, providing clerical support, etc. on an urgent basis as per the request of DH. In view of the special nature of the duties, AMS quickly organised a video workshop to brief the members about the duties, and help them get prepared physically and mentally before commencement of their work.
AMS deployed members to Fu Shan Public Mortuary and Kwai Chung Public Mortuary to assist with various duties such as handling a large number of deceased bodies, providing clerical support, etc. on an urgent basis as per the request of DH. In view of the special nature of the duties, AMS quickly organised a video workshop to brief the members about the duties, and help them get prepared physically and mentally before commencement of their work.
CSD officer conducted disinfection at vacant cells, making them ready for newly confirmed cases at Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre.
CSD officer conducted disinfection at vacant cells, making them ready for newly confirmed cases at Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre. 
OGCIO launched the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile app in November 2020 to provide members of the public with a convenient digital tool to record the time of their visits to different premises. It would send exposure notifications to enhance their vigilance and remind them to undergo testing so as to reduce the risk of further spreading the virus in the community. New functions would be added to the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile app in a timely manner in light of the latest development of the epidemic. Currently, the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile app has recorded over 8 million downloads and gained the support and participation of over 130,000 public and private venues.
OGCIO launched the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile app in November 2020 to provide members of the public with a convenient digital tool to record the time of their visits to different premises. It would send exposure notifications to enhance their vigilance and remind them to undergo testing so as to reduce the risk of further spreading the virus in the community. New functions would be added to the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile app in a timely manner in light of the latest development of the epidemic. Currently, the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile app has recorded over 8 million downloads and gained the support and participation of over 130,000 public and private venues.

Braving the biting wind and chilly rain
• HKPF fights COVID-19 with you 

(Chinese version only)
(Chinese version only)

To safeguard public health, HKPF officers and Special Constables joined hands with officers of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD), HAD, LCSD, LD to conduct patrols and prosecutions in crowded spots on 19 and 20 February 2022 as a complement to the Government’s tightening of a host of social distancing measures. 

This Facebook Page shows that in an operation, officers of each unit reminded citizens to pay attention to personal hygiene and abide by a set of regulations related to social distancing, group gatherings and the wearing of face masks, so as to stop the epidemic from spreading further. Fixed penalty notices were issued to individuals suspected of violating the relevant regulations.

The Government implemented the “Vaccine Pass” by phases starting from 24 February 2022 to encourage more people to get vaccinated while allowing Hong Kong citizens to resume normal life safely. OGCIO implemented the “QR Code Verification Scanner” to help premises operators to quickly identify whether the “Vaccine Pass” QR codes of persons entering the premises meet the requirements. An updated version of the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile app was also launched to support automatic display of QR code of electronic vaccination records to facilitate citizens’ visits to designated “Vaccine Pass” premises.
The Government implemented the “Vaccine Pass” by phases starting from 24 February 2022 to encourage more people to get vaccinated while allowing Hong Kong citizens to resume normal life safely. OGCIO implemented the “QR Code Verification Scanner” to help premises operators to quickly identify whether the “Vaccine Pass” QR codes of persons entering the premises meet the requirements. An updated version of the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile app was also launched to support automatic display of QR code of electronic vaccination records to facilitate citizens’ visits to designated “Vaccine Pass” premises.
With the collaborative effort of DEVB, the Lands Department (LandsD), DH, OGCIO and volunteers from the information technology industry, the Government launched the “Interactive Map Dashboard on the Latest Situation of Coronavirus Disease in Hong Kong” (“the Dashboard”) in February 2020. It enables members of the public to know more about the latest situation of the epidemic and other relevant information. So far the Dashboard has recorded over 79 million views.
With the collaborative effort of DEVB, the Lands Department (LandsD), DH, OGCIO and volunteers from the information technology industry, the Government launched the “Interactive Map Dashboard on the Latest Situation of Coronavirus Disease in Hong Kong” (“the Dashboard”) in February 2020. It enables members of the public to know more about the latest situation of the epidemic and other relevant information. So far the Dashboard has recorded over 79 million views. 
During the fifth wave of the epidemic, with the collaborative effort of DH and other departments, temporary body storage facilities were set up at government sites near the Fu Shan Public Mortuary in Sha Tin to expand storage capacity to meet the emergency need.
During the fifth wave of the epidemic, with the collaborative effort of DH and other departments, temporary body storage facilities were set up at government sites near the Fu Shan Public Mortuary in Sha Tin to expand storage capacity to meet the emergency need.
During the fifth wave of the epidemic, with the collaborative effort of DH and other departments, temporary body storage facilities were set up at government sites near the Fu Shan Public Mortuary in Sha Tin to expand storage capacity to meet the emergency need.
FEHD staff ensuring strict compliance with the requirements of the “Vaccine Pass”.
FEHD staff ensuring strict compliance with the requirements of the “Vaccine Pass”. 
FEHD and HKPF took joint enforcement actions.
FEHD and HKPF took joint enforcement actions.