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Gone but Not Forgotten

No matter how well and how long we live, our time on earth will inevitably come to an end. Yet, through their exceptional works, writers are able to live on and remain fondly remembered by future generations. Find out interesting facts about special days dedicated to some of the most popular literary figures by answering the following questions.

  1. World Book Day is celebrated annually on 23 April, the anniversary of the death of a British playwright and poet. Who is he?
  2. Every year in the third week of July, fans of an American novelist hold a look-alike contest on the island of Key West in Florida. Who is this literary legend?
  3. Read Across America Day is celebrated each year on 2 March, the birthday of children’s literature writer and illustrator Theodor Geisel, who is best known by one of his pseudonyms. What is it?
  4. Burns Night is celebrated every year on 25 January in honour of the birthday of Robert Burns. Traditionally, which poem of the Scottish poet is sung at the conclusion of the celebration?
  5. International Children’s Book Day is set on 2 April as a homage to a Danish fairy tale writer born on this day. Who is he?
  6. J. R. R. Tolkien is known for his fantasy novels The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. The birthday of two hobbit characters is now celebrated as Hobbit Day. Which day of the year is it?
  7. Biographer’s Day is set on 16 May to commemorate James Boswell’s first-ever meeting with the subject of his biographical work back in 1763. Who is this person?
  8. Cultural activities are held around the globe on 16 June every year to mark the day immortalised by James Joyce in his novel Ulysses. What is this day known as?

Please send your entry by fax (2521 8772) or email (csbolrs@csb.gov.hk) to the Editorial Board of Word Power by 29 February 2024. Watch out for our coming issue to see if you get all the answers right, and better still, if you are one of the lucky ten to win a prize. The Editorial Board will have the final say on the answers.