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文讯 Word Power
Spoiler Alert!

We are going to spoil some memorable movies which are famed for their surprise endings. But don’t worry. Research has shown that rather than ruining our enjoyment, spoilers can actually make a story even more enticing. Complete the crossword puzzle and watch the movies mentioned to see for yourself if the research findings are true.

  • In The Sixth Sense, Malcolm Crowe is a psychologist counselling a child who claims he can see       (1)       people. At first, he questions his patient’s sanity, but it turns out that Crowe himself is a       (2)       the whole time.
  • In The Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne is wrongfully sentenced to life in prison, where the seemingly religious warden tells him that salvation lies within the       (3)      . His words       (4)       the ending, as this is where Dufresne hides a rock hammer for his escape plan.
  • Quentin Tarantino concocts an       (5)       history in Inglourious Basterds. The story revolves around an attempt to       (6)       Adolf Hitler in 1944, the outcome of which is entirely different from what we learnt from history classes.
  • Akira Kurosawa’s Rashomon uses       (7)       narrators to expose flaws in human       (8)      . All main characters are revealed to have told lies to cover up their shame.
  • Good does not always triumph. In Woody Allen’s Match Point, the unfaithful protagonist commits       (9)       and murders but manages to walk       (10)      .
  • At the end of the 1997 Spanish film Open Your Eyes, the protagonist realises that he has been living in a lucid       (11)       for 150 years. To wake up, he has to throw himself off the       (12)       of a building.

Please send your entry by fax (2521 8772) or email (csbolrs@csb.gov.hk) to the Editorial Board of Word Power by 29 August 2024. Watch out for our coming issue to see if you get all the answers right, and better still, if you are one of the lucky ten to win a prize. The Editorial Board will have the final say on the answers.