- 來稿須為未經發表的原作,題材不限。
- 中文稿件以1,600字為上限,英文稿件篇幅上限為800字。
- 編輯委員會有權酌情剪裁或修改來稿。
- 來稿如未獲採用,將妥為銷毀而不另行通知。
- 稿件版權歸作者所有,文責由作者承擔。
- 來稿須註明作者姓名、職級/職位及所屬部門。
- 來稿宜儲存為“Word文件”格式,以電郵方式擲交《文訊》編輯委員會(csbolrs@csb.gov.hk)。另外,稿件也可郵寄至香港金鐘道66號金鐘道政府合署高座2310室,或傳真至2521 8772;來稿的字體務須清楚易辨。稿件如與某期主題有關,須於該期出版前三個月交來。
- 稿件一經刊登,當奉上書券,以表謝意。
Contribution to Word Power
Word Power is a quarterly on language and culture published for civil servants. Contributions to this publication are welcome. The rules for contribution are as follows:
- Contributions should be unpublished original works. There is no content restriction.
- Contributions in English should not exceed 800 words, and those in Chinese 1,600 characters.
- The Editorial Board reserves the right to abridge or revise a contribution.
- Contributors will not be notified of unsuccessful attempts. Works not published will be properly disposed of.
- Contributors own the copyright of their works and should take responsibility for the content thereof.
- Contributors should indicate in their submissions their names, ranks/posts and departments.
- Contributions should be sent to the Editorial Board of Word Power, preferably in “Word” format by email (csbolrs@csb.gov.hk). Legible hard copies sent by post (Room 2310, High Block, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong) or by fax (2521 8772) will also be accepted. Contributions intended to be published in a particular issue should reach the Editorial Board three months before the date of publication of that issue.
- For each work published, the contributor will receive book coupons as a token of appreciation.
二零二五年四月第九十九期主題:秘密 | Issue No. 99 (April 2025) : Secret | |
二零二五年七月第一百期主題:一百 | Issue No. 100 (July 2025) : One Hundred |